News From Pilot Plumbing

Kitchen stainless steel sink drain

What Not to Put Down the Drain: A Homeowner’s Guide

Ever had a sink that drains slower than a Monday morning? Or a garbage disposal that suddenly sounds like it’s chewing on rocks? The culprit...

Apartment building

Common Plumbing Issues in Multifamily Complexes and How to Avoid Them

As an owner or manager of a multifamily complex, such as an apartment building, you understand the importance of maintaining a smooth runnin...

energy efficient plumbing

Top Energy-Efficient Plumbing Upgrades for Your Home

When it comes to improving the energy efficiency of your home, plumbing upgrades are often overlooked. However, making a few strategic chang...

Dirty Water from the tap

Why is My Water Discolored or Murky?

Clean, clear water is something many of us take for granted. We expect it to flow freely from our taps, ready for drinking, cooking, and bat...

Home Inspection Checklist

Why You Should Have a Plumbing Inspection Before Buying a Home

When you're in the market for a new home, it's easy to get swept up in the excitement of finding the perfect property. From the spacious kit...

Portrait of a young woman drinking water in the kitchen at home

The Impact of Hard Water on Your Plumbing System and How to Combat It

In Texas “hard water” is a fact of life with residents and their plumbing systems having to endure some of the hardest water in the United S...

Water bill with Faucet

How to Reduce Your Water Bill in Texas: Plumbing Upgrades that Pay Off

Many Texans are finding themselves gritting their teeth, needing a stiff drink, or running for relaxation exercises every time they open the...

Water Heater maintenance

The Importance of Flushing Your Water Heater: Signs and Benefits

Your water heater is an unsung hero, silently providing hot water for your daily needs. However, like any appliance, it requires regular mai...

Interior of modern domestic bathroom

Plumbing Fixtures: Don't Settle for the Drip, Drip, Drip of Cheap Replacements

Leaky faucets, cranky shower heads, and toilets with the water pressure of a gentle stream – we’ve all faced the inevitable battle with agin...

Home under construction

Plumbing for Your New Home: Step-by-Step Guide to Installation Timing

Building a new home is a whirlwind of design choices and construction milestones with plumbing a crucial element to the overall success of y...

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